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Psychic Stella, Stella Beeby

Hi, I'm Stella

Psychic, Medium, Reiki Practitioner, Writer, Mentor

My intuitive guidance is tailored for those seeking clarity, inspiration, and direction. During a psychic reading,

I use my heightened senses, known as clairabilities—clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), and clairsentience (feeling)—to gather and interpret information that provide guidance and clarity. Each session is focused on specific intentions, questions, and topics, ensuring a personalised and meaningful experience. I do not offer general readings, as my aim is to provide targeted and relevant insights. In addition to psychic readings, I offer Reiki healing, which is a Japanese technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and assists with physical and emotional healing.

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My Clients

While everyone is welcome to book a session with me, I specialise in guiding and supporting creatives, freelancers, and small business owners. My clients include writers, models, actors, photographers, designers, content creators, artists, and more. They are passionate and driven individuals seeking deeper fulfilment and alignment in their personal and professional lives. Whether you're balancing a side hustle, running a full-time business, or in a creative role, I understand the unique challenges you face. My clients are looking to overcome obstacles, find inspiration, and achieve their creative and business goals. They value a deeper connection to themselves and their work and are open to exploring their inner world to gain clarity and direction. 


With a creative mindset and a passion for problem-solving, goal-setting, and business, I customise my sessions to support my clients specific intentions and goals. Together, we work to identify and overcome any blocks, unlock potential, and create a path forward that aligns with their true self. I aim to provide a safe and nurturing space where clients can explore their passions, address any concerns, and gain the confidence to navigate the future.

How to prepare for your psychic reading

How to prepare for your psychic reading:

  1. Reflect on Your Intentions: Before the reading, take a moment to reflect on what you hope to gain or explore during the session. Consider the areas of your life that you would like guidance or clarity on.

  2. Formulate Specific Questions: Write down specific questions you would like to discuss during the reading. This helps you focus your thoughts and allows me to provide you with targeted and specific insights.

  3. Be Open-Minded: Approach the reading with an open mind and heart. Be willing to receive information and guidance that may differ from your expectations, and avoid attachments to specific outcomes.

  4. Release Expectations: Let go of any rigid expectations. Trust that the right information and messages will come through for you.

  5. Create a Calm Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax during the reading. Minimise distractions, such as turning off your phone or letting others around you know that you need uninterrupted time.

  6. Clear Your Energy: Prior to the reading, you may wish to engage in a short meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other practices to center and clear your energy. This can help create a receptive state for your reading.

  7. Take Notes: Consider having a notepad or journal nearby to jot down any insights, messages, future predictions or key points that resonate with you during the reading. These notes can serve as a reference for later reflection.

  8. Maintain an Open Line of Communication: During the reading, actively participate by listening attentively, asking questions, validating information when prompted. Engage in a dialogue, even asking for clarification or elaboration if needed.

  9. Non-Judgmental Approach: Approach the reading without making instant judgments about the information shared, this can create a block.

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Mystical Corner

What to expect during a Reiki Session

My Reiki Sessions are done via distance, all I need are your intentions for the Reiki session and a clear recent photo of you. I do recommend doing something relaxing around the time your reiki is being done, so you are more receptive and open to it, but if you are busy, or at work that is okay!


Once I have finished sending you reiki, I will either send you an email or a Instagram/WhatsApp message (depending on what you select on your booking form)  with information and feedback on how the session went. 

I will also provide you with some guidance moving forward  (But please note this is not a Psychic Reading) 


I will also reach out again a week later - to check in and see how you are feeling since your reiki session ✨

What can you send Reiki Energy to?

  • Physical body parts that require healing (Pain, discomfort, aches)

  • Objects (house hold items, products, plants, crystals etc) 

  •  Chakras 

  •  Your energy field

  •  Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

  • Past Situations / Events

  • Trauma

  •  Future Events (Interviews, Exams/Tests, Presentations etc)

  •  Enhancing spiritual connection / Psychic abilities

  • Environments (Home, Workplace, School/Uni's etc)

  • Hormones, Fertility, Pregnancy

  • Any kind of relationships and attracting new relationships

  • Manifestation (To clear blockages, amplify intentions etc)

  • Finances/Money 

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Service Packages 


I offer packages for both Psychic Readings and Reiki sessions. While individual sessions are great for those seeking a one-time experience or wanting to try a reading or reiki session out, packages allow us to delve deeper and provide you with more ongoing guidance and support.


What's included:

  • 5 appointments in each package

  • A discounted price 

  • You can contact me between appointments for occasional clarification or additional guidance

  • You will have access to premium blog content (With tips and information regarding psychic development, spirituality and wellness)

  • 30 Minute Psychic Reading Package

    Package of 5 sessions for 30 minute readings
    Valid for one year
    • 30 Minute Psychic Reading
  • 1 Hour Psychic Reading Package

    Package of 5 sessions for 1 hour readings
    Valid for one year
    • 1 Hour Psychic Reading
  • 5 Reiki sessions package

    Package of 5 Sessions for Reiki
    Valid for one year
    • 30 Minute Reiki Session
Psychic Development Training

I believe that being psychic offers a unique opportunity to connect deeply with yourself and with others. That's why I created a service focused on helping people tune into and understand their own psychic abilities. After years of diving deep into my own psychic journey, I've realised the incredible impact that psychic development can have on people's lives. Seeing how it transforms people, helping them work towards their goals, discover their inner strengths and intuition, truly inspires me. There are so many people out there who have unique psychic abilities waiting to be unlocked. Whether you are wanting psychic development for personal guidance, supporting loved ones, or starting a psychic business, psychic development holds so many benefits. Through my psychic development training service, I want to empower people to embrace their gifts and deepen their connections.

How the Training works:


This one-on-one psychic training provides personalised guidance and support tailored to your goals and experience level. Focusing on understanding and enhancing your psychic abilities for personal growth and for potential business opportunities. This training consists of 8 sessions that you can book at your own convenience, but will be completed within a 6-month period. It has a comprehensive training outline - covering topics such as building a relationship with spirit guides, developing psychic senses, grounding techniques, practice etc. This training combines tailored support with structured learning to empower you on your psychic and spiritual journey. (Please note: This training works best if you have noticed potential signs you could be psychic)



 8 Sessions - $520 - Completed within 6 months - through Zoom


Stella Beeby, Psychic Stella

Opening Hours:

Monday: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 9:30 - 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 9:30am - 4:30pm
rday: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday: Closed

Melbourne, Australia
(All appointments are online)

Featured In 
Brainz Magazine
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